Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final weekend of August 2011

It was a great day at Airdrie Home Furnishing on Saturday... the face-painting was awesome, Nathan's hot dogs- delicious, Ron Simon's music - pumpin', the dunk tank- what perfect weather for it, and the pony rides- a real treat! Thanks for those who came out to enjoy the fun.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Magic Class to start shortly...

I will be starting lessons in magic technique this Fall for interested individuals.The plan is to have at least one session a month. More information to come.
Check out my website if you like at:


Monday, August 8, 2011

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada Fundraiser

After introducing myself to Yamileth, with the 'team in training' at the Airshow, she informed me that they would have a fundraiser in Airdrie and love to have me there. I attended their fantastic event, and really enjoyed it - spending time with some great people. Check out the photos that Mark Skogen took at the by going to the link below: 
